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Sing this Song for Yourself

02/08/2024 04:36:04 PM


Rabbi Michael

Award shows of late have become  more notable for the criticisms they raise than their own content.  This year’s Grammys, while not without any controversy, were much better received and in some cases lauded for delivering some unexpectedly poignant moments.  Perhaps the most noted was the surprise appearance of Tracy Chapman, a performer who has left the public stage for many years and whose song “Fast Car” remains a...Read more...

Netiv HaAsara

12/04/2023 04:23:03 PM


Rabbi Michael

At the beginning of this trip, when we headed South toward the area called the Gaza Envelope I braced myself for what it would be to stand in the midst of what had become a killing field. As it turned out, we were unable to get access to any of the communities in which these sadistic acts of destruction took place, including Netiv HaAsarah, a moshav with which my friend Geoff has close family ties. And it was Geoff who said words that really...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784